Problem from SGML 93 by David Sklar. Consider a DTD that allows FIGURE elements to be placed anywhere in the body of the document. Some figure elements have caption attributes, but not all of them do: Create a transformation that appends an element called FIGREVIEW to the end of the ENDMATTER's children list: FIGREVIEW simply contains copies of all the FIGURE elements found in the body of the document, sorted lexicographically based on the figure's caption. (Assume all text is ISO 8859-1.) Uncaptioned figures should not appear at all in the FIGREVIEW section. Note that each FIGURE element is actually the root of a subtree of arbitrary size (I intentionally don't show the content model for HOTSPOT); make sure the entire subtree of each captioned FIGURE is duplicated in the FIGREVIEW section. (I am interested in knowing if that is possible, in your technology, without full knowledge of the content model of HOTSPOT.)